Seize the Night
Lenovo Ultrabook
To launch Lenovo's new line of Ultrabooks we created a short film to show off the unique features of the machine and build excitement around one of the company's biggest product launches of the year. Directed by Tomas Jonsgarden Seize the Night is the story of 5 young technophiles using this product to orchestrate an amazing project.
Seize the Night TV Trailer
The Escape
Lenovo Convertibles
Lenovo is introducing a new level of computing with its Convertible devices. For the first time, powerful computers can transform between multiple modes and adapt to whatever the situation demands. This campaign is designed to demonstrate these machines at their absolute fullest potential. To show how devices built to seamlessly flip, twist, and detach create new possibilities of Do.
For Those Who Do
Lenovo For Those Who Do
The campaign is aimed at all the Doers – those individuals who are driven by accomplishment. Those who live for the opportunity to roll up their sleeves, achieve great feats, and leave their mark on the world around them.

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